Comment to this article in Wall Street Journal
It's common medical knowledge, yes, that you can donate a kidney without losing renal function. The liver even has amazing regenerative abilities and donating a portion of your own to another does not reduce your liver's capacity at all; in fact, it grows back and the only reminder you have is the scar from the surgery.
Is it sending the wrong message to encourage more people to donate? The US government has not entered the organ donation scene yet (otherwise we'll all be required to donate...right?) Imagine that scenario with the liberals screaming that organs are a right and everyone should be forced to donate, etc etc etc. (I'm saying this tongue-in-cheek, but.....)
Shouldn't we be encouraging people to be more RESPONSIBLE and to avoid situations where they would need a new kidney or liver i.e. decreasing salt intake, which coincidentally helps your heart and lowers blood pressure or stopping/reducing alcohol intake to stop cirrhosis and liver scarring?
Why don't we kick the irresponsible in the balls and get them to start pulling their weight around? (coincidentally, a high weight correlates to Type II diabetes which can lead to renal failure, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc. Not just a pun, folks)
If someone has a liver disease or kidney failure due to some genetic problem that isn't their fault, I would consider donating. But for another individual who has lived their life recklessly and without thought or consideration to the future...well...I guess with Obama's healthcare reforms you will now get free dialysis for the rest of your life at the a cost
There used to be a time when a person understood that his actions had consequences, immediate or otherwise. Where have those times gone???
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